Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Beware of Brian Mclaren

This is a very nice summation of some things whacky coming from McLaren. It's a long entry, and I think is actually from another source linked to at the beginning, but well worth reading.

My sole real complaint with it are statements about C.S. Lewis, whom I guess the writer doesn't like, and seems to want to tie in with emergent and McLaren. Frankly, being somewhat familiar with Lewis, I think that on the whole he is very much the antithesis of things emergent.

We must be careful of allowing emergents to make people like Lewis and Chesterton 'posthumous friends of emergent'. Were all of their ideas good ones? No. We must approach them as we would any other teacher, as the Bereans did even towards the apostles, searching in the scriptures to make sure what they taught is really what is. But simply because an emergent references one of them does not make them a part of that movement.

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