Having little control of
how much tax money PP gets, perhaps we in the church should focus on
a similar problem in our own midst. There are those among us who,
like PP, do unspeakable things for the sake of enriching themselves.
No, they don't physically murder babies. What they do is, in many
ways, even worse, because they preach false gospels. They promise
people physical healings and monetary wealth while downplaying or
even ignoring the need they have to be made clean from their sins by
Christ. The Jesus they preach is more interested in things like
life-change and giving you your best life now and fulfilling all of
your dreams then in saving your from God's judgment.
They preach all kinds of
lunacy and wackiness, claiming the Holy Spirit told them things that
aren't to be found in the Bible, and even contradict things taught in
the Bible.
The good thing about
this plan is that you don't have to rely on the cowards in Congress
to do it for you. Your yourself can defund these people. You can
decide to not send them money, or to not buy their books and CDs, or
to not attend their conferences and concerts.
I could name a lot of people whom the church should defund—Creflo Dollar, Richard Roberts, Joyce Meyer, Kat Kerr, or places like Bethel Redding, or media like GodTV or TBN—and if you want to begin defunding them on your own, I will heartily approve. But for now, let's focus on one target. He's on ly one among many, but he's quite a big one.
We should Defund Benny
Just as with the PP
controversy, there are videos of Hinn saying things that are so
completely unbiblical that it's a shame to the church that this man
is still considered a minister in the church. Here are some examples...
Defund Benny Hinn. It's easy (you literally have to do nothing), it's free (the idea is to not send him money), and it'll do the world and the church a lot of good.