Tuesday, April 3, 2012

when satire starts to become reality

I suppose that, at it's best, satire is at least reality-based. On the other hand, one does hope that reality would stop somewhere short of the satire.

In "Rigor", the hero finds himself making a brief stop in a Mega. After the "service", he has this little chat with one of the people at the Mega.

"I thought the live make-out session was really powerful."

Chase was almost too afraid to ask. "How?"

"Because it so raw, so real, so...relevant. There was no doubt that the couples making out were really into the experience."

"Yeah. I'll...agree with that." Rather too much into it, Chase thought.

“And the pole dancers during worship. That was incredible.”

“Sure.” Chase had tried to focus on the bulletin while that was going on.
(Kindle Locations 584-587).

Sadly, my satire seems to be becoming something like reality.

Ohio Pastor Puts Stripper Pole Next to Pulpit to Talk Sex

With a bed and a stripper pole placed next to his pulpit, a pastor in Ohio is all set to begin a series of sermons on sex and relationships beginning Sunday.

Ready to start a new sermon series called "Battle of the Sexes," Pastor Mike Scruggs at the Light of Word Ministries in White Oak, Ohio, has put a stripper pole, video games and sports equipment on one side of the pulpit, representing what men desire. On the other side, he has set up a bed with candies, teddy bears, roses and a bottle of wine to depict what women want.

On all Sundays in April, Scruggs will share about best practices in bedroom, keeping intimacy alive and the need to build and maintain trust. "Right now we're having single people having too much sex and married people not having enough sex," he told Fox19.

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