Wednesday, July 20, 2011

mixing messages

Remember from a few posts ago the guy who said that Christians who don't cave to the cultural pressure to accept all things gay are really no better than Nazis? Well, as one of those who so caved, he has a spiffy little page on his blog, filled with spiffy little sayings as shallow as they are spiffy, and you can read them, should you so choose,here.

Here's one.

Christians: Saying that you’re against gay marriage but mean gays no harm makes zero sense. Pick a lane.

So, let's see...if we applied that 'logic' to other things...

Christians: Saying that you’re against marital infidelity but mean adulterers and adulteresses no harm makes zero sense. Pick a lane.

Christians: Saying that you’re against abortion but mean abortion doctors no harm makes zero sense. Pick a lane.

Christians: Saying that you’re against the encrouchment of secular humanism but mean secular humanist no harm makes zero sense. Pick a lane.

It's always fun to play Plug-In to refute a basically nonsense argument.

Here's another.

A great way to show how God is working in your life is to stop telling others how God should be working in theirs.

So, this from someone who is basically telling people that, if God isn't telling them to accept the latest popular perversion, then they are no better than Nazis?

Wow, hypocracy much?

Oh, and another goodie.

“I love you so much. If only you weren’t a disgraceful abomination before God.” It’s LIKE a loving message. But different.

Recalling, again, what he things of evangelicals, fundamentalists, and all who don't agree with him...

“I love you fundamentalists, evangelicals, and other religious right-wingers like you so much. If only you weren’t a disgraceful abomination before God by being no better than Nazis.” It’s LIKE a loving message. But different.

I remember someone saying something about specks and beams in eyes, like if you're going to help a person with a speck in his eye, you shouldnt' have a 2x4 sticking out your own. Oh, yeah, that was Jesus. But maybe the Jesus Seminar determined by vote that Jesus didn't really say that.

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