Saturday, November 7, 2009

blaming with lies

In my last post, I linked to a post at Sojo. Reading the comments to it a few minutes ago, I found this whopper by someone who calls him/herself BlueDeacon.

Conservatives will try to paint this as an attack by a violent Muslim. In truth, it's really because they don't like people who don't look like them. You see, conservatives need to have an enemy to be successful. It's all about fear and racism.

Remember, this is the same place that has banned me from commenting on their blog. BlueDeacon has been there a while, and this isn't the first time this person has spewed this kind of lies and filth. Apparently saying this about conservatives doesn't get one in any kind of trouble there.

So, let's see.

Conservatives will try to paint this as an attack by a violent Muslim.

Well, it was.

In truth, it's really because they don't like people who don't look like them.

Yeah, because all Conservatives look alike. Sure. There are no conservatives of any other races or colors at all.


You see, conservatives need to have an enemy to be successful.

Actually, it's liberals who need enemies--conservative Christians, social conservatives, pro-lifers, pro-marriage, insurance companies, doctors, anyone making a profit, capitalists, soldiers, Republicans, and so on.

It's all about fear and racism.

Yeah, because liberals aren't trying to paint every critic of our President as racist. And Jackson and Sharpton aren't waiting for the next incident they can go ballistic over.

What a moron.

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