Sunday, August 14, 2011

probably not the best kind, then

I’m Not that Kind of Feminist

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that there are many forms of feminism. And I’ll even admit that this rugged individualist strain made up of (as Sarah Palin described it) “gun-toting self-reliant women” is, in its own way, a form a feminism. But I am highly uncomfortable with people who, like Wolf, reduce feminism to simply being about “individual choice and freedom” (and I’m not the only one).

Well, we are so glad that you can somehow find it in your heart-of-hearts, whatever and wherever that is, to allow Conservative women a place in feminism, if that isn't some kind of back-handed compliment. But what does Wolf say that is so "highly uncomfortable"?

The core of feminism is individual choice and freedom, and it is these strains that are being sounded now more by the tea party movement than by the left. But, apart from these sound bites, there is a powerful constituency of right-wing women in Britain and Western Europe, as well as in America, who do not see their values reflected in collectivist social-policy prescriptions or gender quotas. They prefer what they see as the rugged individualism of free-market forces, a level capitalist playing field, and a weak state that does not impinge on their personal choices.

So, oh dear, Wolf says that the Tea Party sounds more like feminism than those on the left like Sojo? Well, can't have that at Sojo, can they!

But, contrary to what those who fear their loss of power might assert, individual freedoms and rights has never been what feminism has been about for me.

And, of course, if it's not what it meant for you, then of course it's not what it meant, period?

Holding so tight to privilege that one rejects discussions about helping others, or disdains collectivist social-policies that mirror the sort of eucharistic life Christ expects of us, is more in line with rugged individualism than the feminism I have known. Associating feminism with that selfish, individualist, and blatantly unchristian way of living that the far right preaches these days, hurts.

Ah, here we go. Conservatives can't be feminists, and even their Christianity is called into question.

Just as I often have to say in response of some far-right Christians’ attempts to neglect the poor, destroy God’s creation, and keep people captive, that that sort of Christianity has little to do with the message of Jesus I find in the Bible, I guess I now have to start saying to the rugged individualist feminists that I am not that sort of feminist. Palin and Bachmann can have their “it’s all about me and my privilege” feminism, but, as a Christian, that has nothing to do with me.

So, how do far-right Christians attempt these things she accuses them of?

How, for example, do they "neglect the poor"? Well, truth is, they don't. But they don't like the social programs the left wants to instill and install, which have pretty much resulted in a perpetual underclass which sees themselves as helpless victims.

How do far-right Christians "destroy God's creation"? The recent parade of fear-and-trembling posts at Sojo over the Keystone XL pipeline I think show what this means--far-right Christians actually believe that God put natural resources here to be used, and we grow weary of screeching environmental whackoes who say that we can't access them because polar bears will drown.

And how do far-right Christians "keep people captive"? Perhaps the people of Iraq would like to debate that point. But I suspect this is, among other things, racial fear-mongering, the old "the right wants to keep (insert non-white race here) down!" tripe that is untrue.

Finally, how is what Palin and Bachmann say and stand for in any way saying "It's all about me and my privilege"?

Bachmann and her husband have cared for several foster children. Palin is raising a child that far too many of the liberal feminists would have aborted.

Both have been treated horribly by the liberal media. And last I checked, Sojo still hadn't come to Palin's defense when her daughter was the subject of a joke about statuatory rape. Nor have I noticed Sojo decrying Newsweek for their cover photo of Bachmann.

And now, this little Sojrone screed, which seems to be about nothing at all about Palin or Bachmann or even Conservatism as a whole. Just one little woman's attempt to hurl hatred at Conservatives.

If this is indicative of this Sojrone's type of feminism, then it seems like far from the best kind out there. I'd much rather be around the "mama grizzlies".

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